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Adware Toolbar Popunder traffic

You might have noticed that when you download any freeware then it sometime also downloads a toolbar. This is basically adware toolbar that maintains the popunder traffic and divert the users to specific websites. This kind of toolbar is related to the free software that one downloads online and is useful to the advertisers. The adware toolbar is installed on one’s computer and monitors his interest. It notes the website the user visits and also monitors the user’s search queries. The information is then sent to adware platform which then prepares a report on it.

The report is useful to the advertisers who can use it to reach out to the target clients and to divert their attention to their own website. The report helps them to understand the user’s browsing habit and then furnishes popunder ads which maybe related to it. Using the adware toolbar is especially useful for the advertisers who would like to divert quality traffic to their website. Since they use the adware toolbars to understand which contextual ad should be advertised to a particular user, it is more useful and efficient. The user would find the popunders to be relevant to their search and would thus visit the site advertised on it.